Sunday, October 10, 2010


What a waste of a week. I have had a headache since Monday. So Finally Friday I decided to go to the doctor. On the way home I got pulled over. The police officer told me he pulled me over because when I turned left on the road I had a red arrow. WHAT! I new for a fact is was not read because I hurried through the light because red lights make my head pound worse. So I told him it was a "Very Stale Orange"! I looked him straight in the eye and I was not backing down. Well, he tried to educate me on how the light work and then just let me go. It wasn't until later that day that my headache felt much better that I told my co-worker what happened. He said, "You told the officer that it was a "Very Stale Orange" light and he did not give you a ticket?" Oh my! Your Right! The light was Yellow! Oppsie! I felt so dumb! But glad the officer must have known I truly believed it in my heart and did not make me walk the line! He probably sensed I was not having a great day:)

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