We arrived at the trailers around 11:30PM. Matt and the boys sleep in one trailer, Me and the girls in the other. (Or if you can call giggling and laughing tell 3AM sleeping).
We had a blast with the kids. I think the highlight for them was when the Van couldn't make it up to Whitney Lake and so we put them all in the back of the old truck and put it into 4wd and off the dirt roads we went. They loved it! The rest of the weekend was them begging for more off road riding in Matts truck.
First thing the kids did at Whitney, was jump into the lake. This confused me a bit because I realized that they had not brought a change of cloths with them. Lovely. The rest of the time at Whitney was short because, well, after getting out of the Lake, with Long pants on is not a pleasant feeling for the darlings. But the ride back in the back of dads truck was. So you later that night after the they came in for the night, it was everyone in your swim suits and then into the shower to wash off the mud that was now dried to them and what ever yucky things that they picked up in that lake.
Next day was Saturday, and off to Boy Scout Lake with the girls and Matt took the boys Fly fishing. Girls caught two fish, boys 5. Hey not bad considering I was the one setting up the hooks and bate, and having to un tangle 3 reals because my sweet girls kept forgetting to cast and then lock the line back. Lost a few fish and a few hooks, but all in all it keep us busy for those 5 hours. And, busy means you can't feel yourself frying in the sun. So around 3PM I called Matt on the radios.. "We girls are on Fire!! Time to go!"
Kyson and his friend talked about how they loved the fly fishing. Matt was casting away and felt a tug. Thankfully when he felt the snag he did not fling the rod forward. He knew he had hooked something but what. 10 yards behind him was Kyson, who was asking his friend, "Hey, why did you just slap me." Friend, " I am over here I did not slap you." Kyson reply calmly"Ouch...Ouch... Ouch..." Matt had hooked our son through the eyebrow. They got a good laugh. Matt cut the line and then worked out the hook. I hear he was a sight to see. Kyson has really bushy eyebrows anyway, so when you add a fuzzy white fly to it, I hear he looked like he had old mans eyebrows :).