Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just Thinking of My Miracles

I went on a walk last night, by myself and with no iPod. I rounded the corner of the track and was facing West. The sun was setting and a couple stars were starting to appear. Just as I looked up at the sky, I caught right in front of me the sight of a gliding white light with this pink center. A shooting star. I could not have had better timing in my position of facing it. It was something that you do not see every day.

It got me thinking of other miracles I have witnessed.

Driving to work, a flash of lightning hit the power line in front of my car. That was right in front of me but a few feet. Amazing sight to see the power and the strength.

Seeing Haley's Commit when I was a child. My dad woke me up at 4AM and took me to a place where they had all these telescopes set up. .

The birth of my third child who was a perfect pregnancy, I was very active, yet when she was born we found that she was just inches away from death due to the way the main blood line grew on the wrong side of the placenta. I felt very humbled and blessed, because my pregnancy with her I had two other children sitting and bouncing on my belly and they could have at any time caused it to rupture.

Being with my dad at the doctors as he was told he had no choice but to go on dialysis or die, and then having my sister fight to have them give him a transplant and then her being the absolute perfect match for him. 6 years later he is doing great.

Speaking of dad, I was told at a young age that he was to going to die and only had a few years left to live. A lot of my childhood I was scared of the day that I may loose him. Seeing him today as the OPA to my children. They all four spend time with him every week, they all have a relationship with him. Even my kids friends call him OPA! He is a walking miracle.

Miracle of learning Service by having someone serve me. Last pregnancy was a mess with all my broken bones and early labor problems. But I was overwhelmed to have my friends and family take care of me and my families needs.

The spirits prompting. Which has saved my families life. By prompting both Matt and I to turn off the Water Heater. The next morning revealed that the thermostat was broken on it. It was up in the trailers and it was a very old water heater. A miracle made only because we listened to the prompt.

The houses. Need I say more. In a downed market, we were able to sell them. It was a miracle to come out without having a mark on our credit or a foreclosure.

Having been born to my mother. Who as a child had the miracle of living through WWII. She had escaping the iron curtain with her mother and father. After witnessing much death and destruction. She made it here to Utah, met my dad and now I am because of her great miracles.

There are probably way more that I cant recall at this moment, or that I fail to acknowledge. But at least I know that they still exist on earth. And they are in my life as I am sure they are in yours.

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